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Bali to Lombok & The Gili Islands | 4K | DCREATE

Me and Jade took the long trip east to meet up with our travelling best friends Ben & Rachael in Indonesia to spend two weeks in Bali, Lombok & the Gili Islands.

We landed & explored Ubud for 3 days of hiking, scooters & delicious food. North of Ubud we visited Nungnung Waterfall & went on an early morning mountain hike before watching England conquer Colombia in a World Cup shootout.

We took a ferry across the channel and over to Lombok for the party, rum & beaches of Kuta Mandalika & Selong Belanak, before a slow paced day of sun-worship, drone flying & pool in Sekotong.

Soon we were on the golden beaches, turquoise waters and palm tree fields of the Gili Islands to set the scene for a perfect 5 day before a celebratory dinner & farewell boozing to send Ben & Rachael onwards on their travels.

Chrome users can select the 4K version from the media player.

Bali to Lombok & The Gili Islands | 4K | DCREATE

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